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How To: Video

October 27, 2020

How To: Video

Quick Video for wholesale customers...How to browse incoming Inventory.
How To: Login > My Account > Inventory Listing Report > SEARCH

Independent Trading Customers,

If we are out of stock of an item, Browsing Incoming Delivery is a quick way to see when more inventory arrives. You can pre-order with your sales rep to reserve quantities off incoming deliveries. If you need more than what you see coming on future deliveries, let your sales rep know and we can add more to the next delivery that is still in production.

2020 has seen a sharp rise in pre orders.  Occasionally you may see a color that hasn’t been in stock for 2-3 months or so, chances are we had a delivery every month but our customers were pre ordering so the garments came in the door, and right back out, so it appeared we never had inventory.

IND4000 Blue Aqua for example this year we had 1 customer pre order every delivery we had from July till November giving no one else the chance to order off the deliveries we had planned. When we get orders like that we immediately start making more, but our production time is around 4 months, so any projections and info you can give us helps us forecast what we will need to have in stock for you.

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